i hate sand. [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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blue, murk
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i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON May 13, 2024 20:44:43 GMT
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Blue wasn’t too sure that she’d really thought this through.[break][break]
In her desire to be away from the grit and grime of Slateport, and the effort to distance herself from Theo’s determination to keep her tethered to Rocket, she’d scrambled to come up with something to do with Shinra.[break][break]
Why she’d landed on beach vacation was beyond her. She didn’t even really like the beach. But maybe that was part of it–it was something so contrary to herself. So different from what she typically gravitated toward, and the kind of setting she avoided inhabiting. What did she expect to do? Build fuckin’ sand castles with Shinra?? The interpol agent averse to literally anything dirty?[break][break]
Sand was literally a kind of dirt.[break][break]
Sighing to herself, Blue fidgeted, the toes of her sandals scuffing on the pavement where it caved to a stretch of beach. It was pretty, she supposed. Too sunny, but her eyes were shielded by a baseball cap slapped on her head. Suddenly, her hand itched to curl around Shinra’s, to anchor herself in his typical, cool presence.[break][break]
Instead, her fingers wrung around the straps of a tote bag hung over her shoulder, awkward and uncertain with herself. She chewed at her bottom lip, ruby eyes squinting up at him. “Was this a stupid idea?”[break][break]
Why was she even asking? Of course it was a stupid idea. Why hadn’t Shinra said like why don’t we go to the mountains instead? Why hadn’t she thought of that in the first place?


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moro / shin
february 1
fuchsia city, kanto
interpol investigator
Maybe this is what I get for leaving you out in the cold. Drag my body to the woods and let me go.
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Shinra Moro
i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 17:04:19 GMT
Shinra Moro Avatar

Sand was not Shinra's favorite thing.

It was a crawling sort of feeling, across his skin. It shivered and swept, flinty sharp across his sandaled feet. The sun was bulbous, burning eye. He didn't tan in the sun, he burned. Thus the very enthusiastic umbrella hoisted above his head and full bottle of sunscreen tucked along with the rest of his beach belongings. He wasn't at all prepared for this, but Blue had invited him.

Somehow, she was the exception to his everything. The things he loathed under normal circumstances became tolerated, maybe even special in a somewhat love-hate way. He snorted at her question. "Stupid? No." Was he lying? Not exactly. "We'll make it worth it." There was also the case of awkwardness when he was reminded of a certain game. Blue had looked very... err different in that game.

He tried not to think about it, but it was a failing restraint. "First, I need sunscreen or I may actually set on fire like a vampire."

Rather than bring Onna, who would have frozen him to death, his milotic was sliding through the sand like a beach worm, eager for the ocean.
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blue, murk
october 29
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death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
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i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2024 18:48:24 GMT
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Her nose scrunched, and she looked up at Shinra incredulously. “You sure?” Her heart clunked around unevenly when he said they’d make it worth it. When had he decided to become so reassuring? Months ago, obviously. But Blue still wasn’t sure sometimes why. It was a relief to be special, but she didn’t exactly understand it either.[break][break]
She was clumsy with it, “Well…” she grumbled, eyes cutting away, “if you change your mind, just say so.”[break][break]
At least he’d mercifully spared her from the details of the game that lingered in the back of his mind. Blue remained blissfully in the dark. Though, even if she had known, she probably wouldn’t have been caught dead in the sort of attire her digital version had been adorned in.[break][break]
No, she was safely covered up with athletic shorts and a baggy tank top that hung on her narrow frame. And under that was the sportiest, least provocative two-piece she could find. Blue and black stripes. Arguably boring.[break][break]
But when she’d stood in the store staring at the rows of string-y bikinis, she’d suddenly become self-aware to a degree that made her skin itch. She’d wanted to turn around and book it out of the shop. And the idea of wearing one (and in front of Shinra, no less,) made her face flare with furious color.[break][break]
This was much more tolerable.[break][break]
Still, she tugged awkwardly at the hem of her tank, and silently wondered again why she’d picked this. Sand slipped up between the soles of her feet and her sandals, and there was an instinct to lift each foot and shake them like a meowth forced to walk through a puddle.[break][break]
Blue snorted, “Of course you burn, mister ice-type specialist. Why am I not surprised?” Her mightyena had loped after his milotic, kicking up puffs of sand eagerly with her hind feet. Leaving them both in the dust. “Do you want me to, uh…” Do what? “...hold the umbrella?” She wasn’t short, not really, but next to him…well, she might poke his eye out with it.


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moro / shin
february 1
fuchsia city, kanto
interpol investigator
Maybe this is what I get for leaving you out in the cold. Drag my body to the woods and let me go.
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Shinra Moro
i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 16:28:02 GMT
Shinra Moro Avatar

A crooked smile teased at the edge of his lips, the kind that might have been lethal in an interrogation, but he had forced it to soften. It didn't come naturally, but it was still something he wanted to try. "Yes, Blue, I'm sure." Her uncertainty felt like a new light, a different person. Far from the girl who talked through her fists and smelled of blood and sweat and fire. Yet she was still one and the same, just... different. He wasn't sure what to call this version of her, but he couldn't help but expect her to spring into attack mode at any second.

The version of her in the game wasn't the same person. It had been... surprising, to say the least. It baited a part of him that was both human and weak, but it wasn't her. Despite his baser weakness, he preferred her like this, still volatile as a hand-grenade but also vulnerable.

For a brief second, he wondered if she would punch him in the nose if he told her she was beautiful.

Instead, his eyes followed the milotic and mightyena, which were an unusual pair if he thought about it long enough. "Have you looked at me? Of course, I burn." He laughed, shaking his head. "That'd be nice, but only if you can manage it. I don't know, might have to stand on your tip-toes." He teased, handing it over. "Do you need any?"
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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
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i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 19:23:36 GMT
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“Fine,” she grumbled–only because the teasing cadence of his insistence made her insides swarm like a beedrill nest that had been voraciously kicked.[break][break]
Awkwardly, she picked at a loose string in the hem of her tank top. Dark red eyes darted sideways and up to glance at him in profile before hurriedly looking away again. That flustery feeling returned, a prickly self-consciousness when she registered that despite the heat and his obvious discomfort with it, he looked nice. The realization hit her like a sack of bricks, and her knees went all wobbly.[break][break]
She didn’t exactly know what to do with that feeling. What to say about it, or where to even put it. It felt like a fizzy soda in her stomach. Like when he’d kissed that night, months ago. Before everything else that had happened in between.[break][break]
Blue chewed her lip and looked down at her toes, already sandy as she marched forward to find a spot for them to settle. It made the soles of her feet feel crunchy.[break][break]
It was easier to fixate on that sensory distraction than the quick patter of her heart.[break][break]
“Yeah, you’re kinda pasty,” she remarked flatly, though there was a small hitch at the corner of her mouth. “Uhm yeah. I’m not pint-sized, thanks.” She sort of was when she stood next to him, but it wasn’t her fault that he was apparently half giant.[break][break]
With both hands she hoisted up the umbrella, arms stretched over her head as high as they could go. “See?” I can do it.” She huffed, somewhat bratty, but it was quickly smothered. Blue eyed the bottle of sunblock, face heating. “Um…yeah. But I’m holding this now..”
She could burn, it was fine.


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moro / shin
february 1
fuchsia city, kanto
interpol investigator
Maybe this is what I get for leaving you out in the cold. Drag my body to the woods and let me go.
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Shinra Moro
i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 19:50:18 GMT
Shinra Moro Avatar

"Pasty? Wow, why don't you kick me while you're at it?" He scoffed, a smile snaking past the mock-offense. As if he wasn't aware of his lacking pigmentation, pasty was the least of many insults that could have been launched against him. Especially from a natural fighter like Blue, then again her word game somewhat lacked in comparison to the brutality of her punches.

Shinra had seen the result of too many fights to think her lacking for her size. Military training aside, she could have kicked his ass too. Not only due to the fact that he was always more of a specialist and doctor than an actual military official. He saw less of war and more of the confidential back rooms and the confined prison spaces where the war criminals were kept.

"Pretty pint-sized, yeah." He snorted, despite her obvious threat.

He watched the way the circular shadow crossed along the sand as Blue hefted it over her head. He withdrew the more obvious teases from his voice. "Would you like me to praise you?" Okay, nevermind, the sharpness of his voice was evident of his tease. Though he never minded the red-tint to her face.

His hands were practiced with sunscreen, having been dependent on in with his unfortunate leucism. "Do you want me to...?" He held the bottle up, falling silent. What was he asking her, exactly? To touch her? That felt both like an overstep and uncertainty. He had certainly done things in the past where the intimacy of something may be warranted but, for him, it always felt like a knife to the throat. Even then, he didn't withdraw.

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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
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i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2024 1:22:14 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


“I could,” she replied, cocking her foot back a little. If it were someone else and she were feeling particularly mean, Blue might’ve kicked sand at them. But it wasn’t difficult to tell that Shinra was uncomfortable in the sand, even if he put on a brave face. She wouldn’t dirty him more with it, prank or not. “I’m average height.” Blue huffed, little grumbly sounds following her argument.[break][break]
“I wouldn’t mind it.” It was out of her mouth before she even thought to hold it back. Her eyes rounded and she turned her face away as heat licked at her cheeks. What was that? Her fingers curled tighter around the handle of the umbrella and she resisted the panic-urge to smack him with it and run away while he was fighting with it.[break][break]
But if that didn’t obliterate her on the spot, his next question certainly did. Her face lit with color and all words seemed to fall out of her head. She blinked up at him, a deerling in the headlights until she cleared her throat roughly and twisted until she was back to him. “Uh…yeah, sure.” Blue spoke hastily, head ducking once in acceptance.[break][break]
There was no way she could look at him just then. Maybe not at first, anyway. Touch often made her skin prickle with unease, the contact always the precursor to bad. Rough hands, her body not her own anymore. But the idea of Shinra slathering her with sunblock (gross?) felt different in her mind.[break][break]
Her shoulders, which had hunched up toward her ears, without her really thinking about it, slowly relaxed and settled. She glanced sidelong back over her shoulder at him and then quickly away again. Ears on fire, the back of her neck blazing. An act of trust in its own right, as inconsequential as the act of helping someone with their sunblock seemed.[break][break]
Stupid, she chided herself, you’ve kissed for fuck’s sake. But they hadn’t really touched back then, either. And when she’d come back from that alternate reality, she’d been raw and emotionally upheaved. She hadn’t felt like herself at that moment.[break][break]
Or maybe she had. She wasn’t sure. Just that now she was filled with a confused, fluttery sort of anticipation, and really he should just get it over with.


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moro / shin
february 1
fuchsia city, kanto
interpol investigator
Maybe this is what I get for leaving you out in the cold. Drag my body to the woods and let me go.
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i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 17:16:20 GMT
Shinra Moro Avatar

It would not have surprised him in Blue decided to take a crack at kicking him. Violence was simply in her nature, but he'd also come to know her through such unexpected softness too. He couldn't forget the part of her, panicking on his doorstep about two decades lost between them. Shinra still didn't know entirely what had happened to her, but he knew enough of the pain in her expression not to question it.

A quick smile at the mention of affirmation, he added. "I'll keep that in mind." Admittedly, it as difficult not to read too much into Blue. It was Shinra's nature to analyze, to pick apart the layers of one's psyche and see what lie beneath. He knew what Blue wanted and what she needed because it was his nature to know those things, or at least made a professional estimation. It wasn't right though, it was cold and impersonal. At the very least, she had proven herself an exception in his book because he refused to use it against her.

Quietly, he watched the way that color bloomed across her body, starting at her ears. It wasn't like he wasn't affected, but he'd become somewhat too talented in the art of hiding himself. Like the serpent he was claimed to be by so many that he had harmed in the past.

Her skin was warm, heated beneath the sun and the swell of blush beneath. As with all things, it took a moment to process. He froze for a moment upon initial contact. He'd felt fine initially, of course. What was the big deal? It wasn't like he'd not initiated more intimacy than some sun lotion. Except that had been fleeting, it had been sprung by uncharacteristic need. There and then gone. This was purposeful, it couldn't be mistaken for fleeting or trepidatious.

He let his hand ghost down shoulder blade, up the nape of a delicate neck. Every part of her tensed like a wild animal and his own discomfort was probably apparent. Not out of disgust, not like usual. He touched her like he could break her, but he knew that wasn't possible. "There, much better. Can't have you burning up."

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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
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i hate sand. [m]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 18:06:17 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


Blue chewed on her lip, a shiver zipping up her spine at the soft contact. It was a strange feeling—slick with sunscreen, but her mind fixated on the movement of his hands. Every touch careful and deliberate, but soft in its own right. Her ears remained bright red despite his intent to keep her from burning.[break][break]
Slowly, but surely, though, she managed to relax some. Shoulders slumping and arms loosening from where they hung pin straight and rigid at her sides. Blue still didn’t dare look back at him, though. As if she were convinced that it would make this somehow infinitely weirder and not at all like a completely normal thing that many people often did for each other.[break][break]
Could he hear her heart thumping? He probably could, it was so loud inside her own head.[break][break]
But it wasn’t bad, either. This contact. It wasn’t the same at all as what she’d come to know from most others. Even with those she felt she could trust (or had trusted, at one time,) there was always a certain boundary there. She remembered simple affection with Theo. Something dim, like a head perched on his shoulder, or bumping arms with him. But it had taken years of that strange, dreamlike time to accept.[break][break]
This felt easier, though. For some inexplicable reason, trusting Shinra came easier. Maybe because they’d never really made any pretenses with one another about the nature of what they really were.[break][break]
“Thanks,” she replied, sneaking another look before roughly clearing her throat. “Though I don’t think I burn so bad.” Not as bad as he did, anyway. Her voice felt squeaky, which was embarrassing for someone normally so gruff. It was only then, though, that she realized that she didn’t really know what to do at the beach, exactly.[break][break]
Sure, she had an idea based on television and movies, but when had Blue ever gone out of her way to do something like this? To have fun, or what should have been fun. “What…now?” Did they frolic in the sand like their pokemon still were? The mental image of Shinra prancing about in the sand was one that drew a quiet huff of laughter from her.


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